Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hiking, Observing, Harvesting, Sharing; but mostly, Learning...

Hiking, observing, on occasion, harvesting, and sharing... But always learning!

Today was a fantastic day! For me, unlike most days, it started after the sun had risen. Every morning this past week the dogs were walked while the moon and stars were still in the sky. I've been witness to a spectacular sunrise and the crisp air of early autumn has been cool upon my face each morning. Today though, our dogs walked in the first light as opposed to last darkness.

I walk every day, I must, it's demanded on me, a responsibility of keeping canines in one's household. But I also choose to walk. It gives me opportunity, objectivity and peace of mind. I walk with my camera, or my fishing rod and at this time of year, my gun. 

Walking is a major mile stone in one's life! A child's first step is celebrated by his or her parents. It's the first step towards one's independence. But as we grow it seems that being able to ride a bike, swim, or drive a car become more important. Walking though is so much more a greater achievement. As our friends and family reach an age where mobility is impaired, once again if one can walk, at a great age, it's celebrated. What good is longevity if one cannot walk?

Our walk through life is both figurative and literal. We cross paths with others' walks. We are often asked to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. We walk down the aisle. Hopefully we are blessed with someone to walk hand in hand with: I am. Life is a walk.

Every day that I am capable of walking is a blessing. I am thankful for each step I am able to take. I am hopeful for each step I take. Each step gives me a new view, a new perspective. Each step is an opportunity for a new encounter, a chance meeting of minds, something new to harvest. Most importantly though, each step is a chance to learn!

As infants, we learn to walk. As adults, we should walk to learn!