Over the past few decades the NWTF has done some wonderful work in Canada, especially Ontario. By the early decades of the 20th century the Eastern Wild Turkey was extinct in Ontario. Over hunting, agriculture and early urban sprawl eradicated the turkey population. But, through the efforts of the OFAH, the MNR and predominantly the NWTF, the Eastern Wild Turkey has returned and now has a very healthy population. Conservative estimates put the birds' numbers at 75,000. In some places the bird is actually a nuisance!
Maybe the NWTF has served its purpose in Ontario. The turkeys are back and there is an awareness of their environment. Turkey enthusiasts and hunters are contributing in more ways to society and the turkey's habitat.
My involvement with the NWTF came about as so many others did. I was looking for folks that would help me get out and find turkeys! I found far more than turkeys though! I found friendship and camaraderie.
I joined the Durham Region Chapter after a few emails and a group meeting attended by the NWTF regional director. It was a great evening!
This decision though, to suspend operations in Canada, troubles me on a number of levels.
Two very respectable gentlemen have lost their jobs. Scores of volunteers who dedicated many hours of their spare time have been made to feel their efforts were not worthwhile. Canadian hunters, our conservation efforts and endeavours to better the environment and our standing within society in general, do not seem to be of enough importance to our neighbours to the south.
Whether this decision was made because of economics, or my fear, for cultural reasons, I do not support it. But, the decision has been made.
My dilemma though: which group do I dedicate my time and effort to now? I have a few in mind. I'm looking for suggestions though, I'm looking to be wooed! I'm looking for a group that is close knit, socially conscious and loves to hunt and fish! I hate politics! I love open mindedness, compassion and having a good time! Wait, I'm not looking for dating sites! I'm looking for a conservation, hunting, angling group, with a social conscience!
Ideas, folks, let's hear them!
I will always be thankful for the NWTF! They have done wonders in the rehabilitation of turkey habitat, the population of the bird and for the education of the public in regards to the Eastern Wild Turkey.
Most of all though, I will always be in debt to the NWTF for the friendships I have made since I joined!
You all know who you are!