Sunday, March 10, 2013


Spring is just about two weeks away, and the signs are there. I’m not going to dredge up all the metaphors or silly cliches, not all of them, just some of them. Spring is rebirth, new beginnings, the promise new life, a freshness, revitalization. 

A short walk in the woods is all one needs to see this.

This past week was fresh with the signs of spring. The first indicator for me is always the thaw and subsequent run-off. The local streams have opened up and are flowing, all but their shores are free of ice. Soon the only ice and snow remaining will be in the heavily shaded areas of the woods. 

Other signs this week were in the fauna. The first wooly bear caterpillar of the year. All the turkeys in the local flock seem to be hens and jakes. The toms have gone lone-wolf and will soon be gathering their harems. 

This spring though, is significant. This spring brings not only a new beginning, but also a change. In less than a month I’ll be a considerable distance north. Deep in the boreal forests nestled on the Canadian Shield, Aimee and I, and of course the dogs, will start a new life, a new season in our adventures. Instead of seeing deer and wild turkeys on our walks, we will be seeing black bears, moose and spruce grouse. We will be fishing for brook trout instead of bass. 

Spring comes late to where we’re settling. I’ll get to see it arrive twice!             

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