As I am now employed full time, my walks with rod and reel, gun or camera, have diminished greatly. But I still walk. Every day...
Now I travel by train to work. This affords me a few luxuries that the streetcar, bicycle or car cannot. I read a lot more, and the "Quite Zone" encourages self contemplation. Best of all though, it's a great view!
As the train approaches Rouge Hill the view of the lake always takes my breath away! Sometimes the waterfowl are bobbing in the frigid waters of Lake Ontario. It always amazes me that these little, warm-blooded creatures of flight can function, fly and paddle, when even the thought of the water's temperature chills my bones!
When my train travel is an hour after first light I have the pleasure of seeing the turkeys in the fields and by the edges of the woods. They're still flocked up, Toms, hens and jakes. They're scratching for mast; last year's fallen acorns, soybeans and ears of corn that were missed in the harvest. Soon their foraging and scratching will turn to the emerging exoskeletons. They love centipedes and insect grubs!
The last week of April can't come soon enough!
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