An Expensive Walk...
And I'm cheap! Or is it frugal? Whatever, I have limited funds and even less inclination to spend the few pennies I have! But sometimes you've just got to spend money in order to chase your dreams!
I bought new insoles for my boots!
They are awesome! Not only are my boots more comfortable, but I'm a quarter of an inch taller!
They are more comfortable. Walking to those special places will be easier. Walking to those places I do not want to go to will be easier.
And it will be easier to walk away!
Getting to where we want to go is simple. Just take the steps. Getting to where we don't want to go to, but must, is far more difficult. But sometimes you've just got to go there. If the walk is easier, then the leaving is joyous.
Maybe my new insoles will make that trek all the better...
But the equipment we walk with is also important.
I also have a menagerie of fishing equipment. Its financial value is reflective of my income at the time of purchase. Some pieces are is as old as me (some, somewhat older,) some of it worthless and will sit in my tackle box, never to get wet!
But my most prized piece of fishing tackle is one single rod. I will have it forever. It represents something significant, something more important than chasing that elusive fish, it symbolizes the ultimate quarry. Happiness.
It's also the most expensive piece of equipment in my fishing arsenal. And I would never have bought it for myself!
It represents my dreams, and is indicative of the love that someone else has for me.
Sometimes the most important things we buy are cheap, inexpensive and of little worldly value. Sometimes our investments are fleeting, diminished by time or changing fads. But sometimes, our investments take on only a thought for others and their return is great happiness.
A small investment in comfort can make the walk easier. A small investment in another one's dreams can bring joy!
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